Denture Repair Princeton, NJ
Dentures and bridges can last for several years. They are made with durable materials such as acrylic, plastic, porcelain, and metals. Although the dental prosthesis itself can last a long time, you should not look at it as a permanent medical device. There are currently no hard guidelines to pinpoint the necessary frequency of dental prosthesis maintenance.
Rather than looking at how long you have had your dentures, you should assess it based on how it fits and functions for you and its physical appearance. Our specialists at Prosthodontics of Princeton can help you with any concerns about your prosthesis. Whether you have partial or complete dentures or dental bridges, we can assist you in maintaining your restorative dental prosthesis.
Proper Maintenance
In order to maintain your dentures, there are a few things you can do. Daily cleaning by brushing with a soft brush and using denture cleansers that are non-abrasive can help keep them clean. Avoid abrasive cleaning products such as regular toothpaste as these can erode the outer layer of your dentures. If you are to use a denture cleanser, follow the manufacturer's directions and only use it when you are not wearing your dentures.
Make sure your dentures are completely rinsed after using cleaning products. When not in use, keep your dentures soaked in water to prevent drying out which causes warping. Never soak your dentures in hot water. This can cause deformation and render the dentures unusable. It can also weaken the structural integrity of your dentures making them prone to damage.
During your next consultation with us, have our specialist show you the proper way of the daily cleaning of your dentures. You can also inquire what other options of denture cleaning are available to you. For fixed dental bridges, you treat them in the same fashion as your natural dentition. This includes proper use of dental floss.
When to have Denture and Bridge Maintenance
Changes in the physical condition of your dental prosthesis and changes to the foundation area where the denture base rests are reasons to have your dentures assessed. Natural wear can also occur to all parts of the dentures. This can result in discoloration, loosening of the artificial teeth, breaking, chipping, and deformation of your dentures. Improper care can accelerate these issues. It can also accumulate plaque similar to natural dentition.
Proper use of dental adhesive is fine. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions. If there is an increasing need to use more of the adhesive to properly wear your dentures, this is a good sign they are in need of maintenance or repair.
Whether you have complete or partial dentures or a dental bridge, we recommend at least a once-a-year consult to assess your oral health. If you observe any changes in how your dental prosthesis appears and fits, please get in touch with us here at Prosthodontics of Princeton at (609) 924-1975 to learn more about how we can help you. |